Book “Advice to the inner voice: sensitising of the Intuitive Intelligence”
The book “Council of the Inner Voice: Sensitization of Intuitive Intelligence” by Maria Therese Löw is an extremely captivating read that contributes to a better understanding of the art of Iven Orx and Aaron Vinn. The author conducts a detailed analysis focusing on the role and mechanism of the intuitive, transrational technique of transformation, examining the significance of this approach beyond rational considerations.
In addition to well-known and renowned artists from the past like Dali, Chagall, and Chirico, the book also highlights Iven Orx and Aaron Vinn as exemplary representatives for the utilization and impact of the Transcendent as an artistic subject.
Through this profound analysis, the book provides the reader with a well-founded insight into the world of transcendent aesthetics and its effects on the recipient. It offers an enriching perspective to view the works of Iven Orx and Aaron Vinn in a new light and to grasp their artistic creations on a deeper level.